Notes for Contributors

Notes for Contributors

Wobbly Times is published by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). We publish Wobbly Times as part of our goal of abolishing the wage system and taking control of production into the hands of the direct producers, the workers.

Who can write for Wobbly Times?

The pages of Wobbly Times are open to contributions from IWW members and to non-members who share our goal of abolishing the wage system. In order to abolish the wage system, we aim to build world-wide working-class solidarity. As such, we welcome contributions from anywhere in the world. As part of our aim of building world-wide working-class solidarity, we are opposed to bigotry, discrimination and hierarchical domination. We will not publish materials that condone or promote racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, colonialism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, religious hatred, discrimination against Deafness or neurodivergence, ableism, agesim, or any other forms of bigotry or discrimination that serve to divide the global working-class.

The IWW believe that the liberation of workers from the wage system is part of the historic mission of the working-class. We believe that this liberation of the working-class must be done through their own actions; it is not a gift of labour ‘leaders’. As Eugene V. Debs, one of the founders of the IWW, put it: “Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage… I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be led out, you could be led back again”. As such, we will not publish materials that advocate for organisations, leaders or representatives to lead workers to freedom. Wobbly Times aims to provide a platform for working-class expression. No previous experience of writing or publishing is required. As part of the IWW’s commitment to worker education, the
editorial committee will arrange workshops, for IWW members, to assist potential contributors to work up their ideas into a publishable form.

What does the IWW publish in Wobbly Times?

Wobbly Times is open to visual and text-based materials. We are open to publishing creative works, theoretical articles, debates and discussions, archival materials – anything which assists in the self-development of workers as class conscious activists in the struggle against capitalism.

Who can be in the editorial circles?

Contributing non-members are welcome to be part of the editorial circles and workshops. The final selection of journal content and oversight of editorial circles will be undertaken by a committee open to any and all IWW members.

Format guidelines

1.) Please submit in .txt, .word, format to, or use weTransfer. NOT PDF!
2.) work will not remunerated.
3.) Submitted work does not have to be exclusively published in this journal. You can publish it elsewhere, or have published it elsewhere already.
4.) Please ensure that you have the rights, correct referencing, for content used in your submission. Our editors can help make sure that they are all correct, but we need specific information such as… ‘please credit images, texts, excerpts, screenshots… to the copyright holders and check for creative commons rights’, ‘share websites with date accessed and web address’, ‘share excerpts with author, title, ISBN, publisher, location, and publication date’.
5.) Word Length:
(longer pieces may be considered for serialisation)
Short reports and updates (up to 1500 words)
Short Articles (1000 to 3000 words)
Deep-dive articles (up to 10,000 words)
Short stories and creative writing (up to 5,000 words)
Reviews (up to 3000 words)
Flash fiction ( up to 1000 words)